Heavy Metal Fitness
is the premier strength training facility in the San Antonio area. We strive to create an optimal training environment for our members and athletes. We have the most effective training equipment available and our team of coaches are held to the highest standards. What we are most proud of is the camaraderie and family-like atmosphere of Heavy Metal Fitness. Every aspect of HMF is dedicated to the success of our members. With affordable enrollment options and personal training packages, we welcome lifters of all levels!
Wheelbarrows, Sleds, Yolks, and Farmers Handles
Bands, Chains, and Chalk
Plenty of space to Deadlift, Squat, and Bench
Specialty Bars
Strength Essentials
Unrivaled Equipment Selection
Performance Focused
Big on the Basics

Heavy Metal "The Yard"

Strongest Gym in Texas

The Heavy Metal Team
The HMF training staff is a collection of some of the most knowledgeable and experienced coaches in the area. Each coach is proven in the classroom and in the trenches of competition. We prioritize the safety of our clients by thoroughly teaching and monitoring the technical aspects of every lift for every rep. We believe that it isn’t good enough to simply train hard; training should be OPTIMAL. Let the HMF team help you optimize your training and realize your potential!